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March 24: Invited to participate in the workshop "Renewable energy systems on the Norwegian Continental Shelf: resources, use, and sharing" organized by Equinor during the NTNU Energy Transition Week 2023. In my presentation I argued why is better together when it comes to offshore renewables in the North Sea! [slides]


March 8 - 10: Very glad to participate in the 3rd MOMENTON International Congress organized by University of Paris-Saclay. I delivered a keynote on the very timely topic of Offshore Energy Hubs. [slides]


February 28 - March 1: Very glad to participate in the IEA Wind TEM #109 meeting in Boulder, Colorado. I had the pleasure of leading together with Hannele Holttinen the discussions in the very important area of Plant & Grid. Watch a very nice recap of the event from Paul Veers and Katherine Dykes here.


December 31, 2022: Finishing a very exciting year with a a big internal re-organization, several new national and international research projects and recruiting multiple PhDs and postdocs. Looking forward to an even more exciting 2023!


January 4, 2021: Happy New Year! Glad to start the year joining the Editorial Board of IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy!


October 20, 2020: Officially launched! The Global Power System Transformation consortium was officially launched today! The goal of the consortium is to dramatically accelerate the transition to low emission and low cost, secure, and reliable power systems, contributing to >50% emission reductions of all pollutants globally over the next 10 years by enabling the efficient integration of substantial clean energy investments into power systems. CEOs of six of the world’s leading system operators, Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO), National Grid Electricity System Operator UK, California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), Ireland’s System Operator (EirGrid), and Denmark’s System Operator (Energinet) are leading this consortium. Glad that DTU is a core technical team member and proud to be the contact person! 


May 14, 2020: Submitted! Juan-Andrés Pérez-Rúa handed-in his PhD thesis! Important results and future directions for optimizing the electrical network design of offshore wind power plants. Check out some of the scientific outcomes in his publications!


May 12, 2020: Still working from home, two months after the lock-down started, however going full speed with online meetings, supervision, publications, proposal writing and so on. Challenging at times, however very glad to be able to continue working and doing our best to minimize the impact. 


March 15, 2020: Accepted! A number of papers have been accepted in the last months:


  • Wolter, C, Klinge Jacobsen, H, Zeni, L, Rogdakis, G & Cutululis, NA 2020, 'Overplanting in offshore wind power plants in different regulatory regimes', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment.


  • Söder, L, Tómasson, E, Estanqueiro, A, Flynn, D, Hodge, B-M, Kiviluoma, J, Korpås, M, Neau, E, Couto, A, Pudjianto, D, Strbac, G, Burke, D, Gómez, T, Das, K, Cutululis, NA, Van Hertem, D, Höschle, H, Matevosyan, J, von Roon, S, Carlini, EM, Caprabianca, M & Vries, LD 2020, 'Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 119, 109540. [paper]


March 12, 2020: Special day! Two PhD defences in one day, the day that DTU closed down due to coronavirus. Big thanks to the assessment committee Anca D. Hansen (DTU), Lie Xu (Strathclyde) and Ramon Blasco-Gimenez (UPV)!


  • Oscar Saborio-Romano: Integration of wind power plants connected toHVDC via diode rectifiers; Energisation and ancillary services


  • Ali Bidadfar: Offshore HVDC Networks Control and Frequency Support


February 25th, 2020: Participated in the PhD thesis assessment committee for Simon Camal. Very good thesis on forecasting and optimization of ancillary services provision by renewable energy based virtual power plants. 


February 3rd, 2020: Participated in the FarmConners workshop on the value of Wind Farm Control in the zero-subsidy era. Presented on Power system transmission and grid connection of wind farms [slides]


October 15, 2019: Accepted! The paper "Integrated Global Optimization Model for Electrical Cables in Offshore Wind Farms" was accepted! The paper proposes a very promising MILP program for integrated global optimization of electrical cables systems in Offshore Wind Farms. The model incorporates electrical losses and optimizes simultaneously the cable layout, the offshore substantion location, and transmission cables. [paper]


October 13, 2019: Accepted! The paper "Impact of Primary Frequency Control of Offshore HVDC Grids on Interarea Modes of Power Systems" is published! "Theoretically it is proven that HVDC-connected offshore wind power can support the grid frequency. But, what is the impact of this support on onshore system dynamics? Please check out our latest publication, analytically studying the impact of frequency support on electromechanical dynamics of power systems". [paper]


October 11, 2019: Gave my inaugural lecture on Offshore Wind Integration! If you are interested in the lecture, you can watch the [video]


September 14, 2019: Accepted! The paper "Coordinated Control of HVDC and HVAC Power Transmission Systems Integrating a Large Offshore Wind Farm" is now published! Please check out our latest publication on employing different offshore power transmission systems, all exporting power from a large offshore wind farm. This can be the solution that the industry may go for it in the near future. [paper]


September 10, 2019: Accepted! The paper "Power Oscillation Damping from Offshore Wind Farms Connected to HVDC via Diode Rectifiers" is now published! Diode rectifiers have elicited increasing interest from both industry and academia as a feasible alternative for connecting offshore wind farms to HVDC networks. In our latest paper we assess the capability of such an offshore wind farm to provide support to an onshore AC network by means of power oscillation damping. [paper]


June 24, 2019: Published! Juan-Andrés' first journal paper was published. Proposing an advanced method for optimal sizing of offshore wind export cables. Very exciting! [paper]


May 9, 2018: visited Vattenfall in Kolding, discussing our research in the InnoDC project and the very promising results that we achieved in the electrical design and optimization of electrical infrastructure in offshore wind. Many opportunities for joint research!


April 3, 2019: Invited to present at the Though Leaders Forum at WindEurope Conference in Bilbao. I talked about Meshed Offshore Grids and the PROMOTioN project. [slides]


March 12, 2019: Accepted! We will have three papers at the CIGRE Aalborg 2019 - Going Offshore:

- Juan-Andres Perez-Rua, Kaushik Das, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Improved Method for Calculating Power-Transfer Capability Curves of Offshore Wind Farms Cables [paper]

- Oscar Saborio-Romano, Ali Bidadfar, Jayachandra N. Sakamuri, Ömer Göksu, Poul Sørensen, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Fast Frequency Response from Offshore Wind Farms Connected to
HVDC via Diode Rectifiers [paper]

- Ali Bidadfar, Oscar Saborio-Romano, Müfit Altin, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Eduardo Prieto-Araujo, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt, Poul Sørensen, Communication-Less Frequency Support from Offshore HVDC Grids


March 8, 2019: Accepted! All submitted papers were accepted at IEEE Powertech 2019:

- Ali Bidadfar , Oscar Sabor´Ä±o-Romano , Jayachandra N. Sakamuri, Müfit Altin , Nicolaos A. Cutululis , Poul Sørensen, Primary Frequency Support from Offshore Wind Power Plants Connected to HVDC Grids;

- Amir Arasteh , Ömer Göksu , Jayachandra Naidu Sakamuri , Nicolaos A. Cutululis, On the Methods of Resonance Identification in Power Systems

- Daniel Hermosilla Minguijòn, Juan-Andres Perez-Rua, Kaushik Das, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Metaheuristic-based Design and Optimization of Offshore Wind Farms Collection Systems

- Matti Koivisto, Petr Maule. Nicolaos Cutululis, Poul Sørensen, Effects of Wind Power Technology Development on Large-scale VRE Generation Variability

- Oscar Saborío-Romano , Ali Bidadfar, Jayachandra N. Sakamuri, Ömer Göksu, Poul Sørensen, Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Primary Frequency Response from Offshore Wind Farms Connected to HVdc via Diode Rectifiers


February 18, 2019: Jonas Kazda will defend his PhD thesis on Multi-objective wind farm control on 4th of March, at 13:00 at DTU Risø campus in Roskilde. The examiners are Poul SørensenCarlo Botasso and Johan Meyers. Everybody is welcome! For details, see the [poster]


February 5, 2019: Gave a talk in the tutorial of the ACDC 2019 conference on "Connection of offshore wind farms". [slides]


January 16-18, 2019: Participated at EERA DeepWind 2019 Conference organized by SINTEF and NTNU in Trondheim. Very good conference on offshore wind with several contributions from our group:

Ömer Göksu et al, Prolonged Response of Offshore Wind Power Plants to DC Faults

Juan Andrés Pérez-Rúa et al, Heuristics-based design and optimization of offshore wind farms

collection systems [slides]

Anup Kavimandan et al, Hierarchy and complexity in Control of large Offshore Wind Power

Plant Clusters [slides]

Liang Lu et al, Virtual Synchronous Machine Control for Wind Turbines: A Review [poster]


December 31, 2018: Ömer GöksuJayachandra N. Sakamuri and I are editing a Special Issue "Control and Protection of HVDC-Connected Offshore Wind Power Plants" of Energies (ISSN 1996-1073). This special issue belongs to the section "Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy".  Details and submission info here [link].


December 30, 2018: Elevated to Senior Member in IEEE!


December 23, 2018: I have gladly accepted the invitation to give a talk about "Control challenges for grid integration" of offshore wind power in the Deepwind 2019 conference in January in Trondheim. [slides]


December 22, 2018: Published! Wind farm control needs dynamic, fast, control-oriented flow models allowing for multi-objective control. A contribution in this direction, driven by Jonas Kazda, has been published recently. [paper


December 16, 2018: Glad to accept the invitation from the organizing committee of the 15th IET international conference on AC and DC Power Transmission ACDC 2019 to give a lecture  in the tutorial. If you want to learn about AC/DC and HVDC transmission and offshore wind integration, register for the tutorial and for the conference.

While there, don't miss Juan-Andrés Pérez-Rúa paper on "Lifetime estimation and performance evaluation for offshore wind farms transmission cables" [paper]


December 14, 2018: Submitted! Congratulations to Jonas for submitting his PhD thesis Multi-objective control of wind farms. Multiple significant, in my opinion, contributions to wind farm control area! Prof. Poul Sørensen, Prof. Carlo Botasso and Prof. Johan Meyers constitute an excellent assessment committee! Public defence, if the assessment committee agrees, will be in early March 2019. Everybody is invited.


November 23, 2018: Glad to serve as chairman of the PhD assessment committee for Florian Thams. Good thesis and disscussions in the defense. Congratulations to Florian!


November 2, 2018: Three synopsis accepted for the upcoming CIGRE Symposium Going offshore. Congratulations to Juan for "A Method for Calculating Offshore Wind Farms Cables Power-Transfer

Capability Curves", to Oscar for "Fast Frequency Response from Offshore Wind Farms Connected to HVDC via Diode Rectifiers" and to Ali for "Droop-Based Frequency Support from Offshore HVDC Grids"!


October 24-26, 2018: In Porto for the 2nd training event for the InnoDC project. Great group of young researchers making great progress on offshore wind and HVDC grids! Among them, my students Anubhav and Anup.


October 20, 2018: Our paper "Large-scale wind generation simulations: From the analysis of current installations to modelling the future" presented at the WindEurope Summit in Hamburg is now pubished. Congratulations to Matti for driving this effort with very good results from our fruitfull collaboration with ENTSO-E. [paper]


October 17-19, 2018: In Stockholm for another very good edition of the Wind Power Integration Workshop (full blown conference, don't be fooled by the name, with more than 300 participants). The most relevant event for wind integration, with a very strong industry participation. DTU WInd Energy had 4 oral presentations and 1 poster:

- Matti Koivisto et al., North Sea Offshore Grid Development: Combined Optimization of Grid and Generation Investments Towards 2050 [paper]

Ali Bidadfar et al., Frequency Support Provision to Power Systems from HVDC-Based Offshore Wind Power Plants [paper]

Ömer Göksu et al., Analysis of HVDC and Wind Turbine Converter Response during Offshore Asymmetrical Faults [paper]

Kaushik Das et al., Balancing Challenges for Future North Sea Offshore Network [paper]

Anubhav Jain et al., Control Solutions for Blackstart Capability and Islanding Operation of Offshore Wind Power Plants [paper]


October 14, 2018: Interested in assessing the effects of wind and solar generation on power and energy systems? You can read about our approach to it here, utilizing the DTU Wind Energy’s CorRES tool.[paper]


October 11, 2018: If you are interested in large scale wind power integration and control, you may consider joining our team at DTU Wind Energy to work on your MSc thesis. To facilitate that, we have prepared a catalogue with project ideas here


September 26-28, 2018: in Hamburg for the Global Wind Summit 2018. Amazing to see how much the industry has grown and how strong the industrial leadership in R&D is. 


September 27, 2018: The Wind Energy Science Conference 2019 website is live! WESC is providing a multi-disciplinary open forum for discussion where delegates can explore the latest developments in wind energy science, spot emerging trends and identify future collaborators. It i organized in 8 themes. I'm very glad to be coordinating Theme 3: Wind to Wire Power Systems! Abstract submission is open


September 17-19, 2018: in Amsterdam for the EERA JP Wind Annual Event. Very glad to co-organize a session on System friendly wind with Lena Kitzing. Very interesting discussion about wind turbine technology development towards enhancing the system value of wind power! 


September 16, 2018: Special Section IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - Towards a 100 % renewable energy system. See all the details here. Very glad to serve in the guest editorial board.


September 12-13, 2018: in Nice at MINES ParisTech for the EERA JP Smart Grids general assembly, representing EERA JP Wind and sharing best practices, as well as looking for concrete activities to enhance our collaboration.


September 5-7, 2018: Glad to particpate in the 9th HVDC Doctoral colloquium organized by Prof. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt from CITCEA - UPC in Barcelona. Probably the largest group of PhD students in HVDC grids and offhore wind in Europe right now presenting the latest results of their research.


August 20-21, 2018: very nice seminar with our group in a fantastic place. A lot of exciting plans for research in the future!


June 26-27, 2018: co-organizing and attending the EERA JP Wind workshop organized jointly by SP6 Offshore Balance of Plant and SP5 System Integration. The workhsop is hosted by SINTEF in Trondheim.


June 12-15, 2018: Attending the PSCC 2018 conference organized by UCD in Dublin. Excited to chair session S36: Wind energy systems.


June 6th, 2018: attending the midterm conference of the PROMOTioN project in Amsterdam.


June 5th, 2018: in Trondheim, at NTNU, acting as first opponent for Ingeborg Graabak's public defence of the PhD thesis “Balancing of wind and solar power production in Northern Eurpoe with Norwegian hydropower”. Profesoor Magnus Korpås was the supervisor.


May 28-31, 2018: Glad to be a lecturer in the EES-UETP Course on HVDC and HVDC Grids for Future Transmission, organized by KU Leuven, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Cardiff University and Technical University of Denmark (DTU)Department of Wind Energy.


May 16-18, 2018: in Barcelona, at CITCEA-UPC for the first consortium meeting for the InnoDCproject. Very exciting to see that all the 15 ESRs have been recruited and are starting their work on offshore wind and HVDC!


April 19, 2018: in Brussels for the first EERA JP Wind Management Board meeting. Very glad to say thank you to the departing members and looking forward to working with all the MB members!


April 11-13, 2018: In Lisbon to attend the 25th Research Meeting of the IEA Wind Task 25Dr. Ana EstanqueiroLNEG. Looking forward to exciting presentations and discussions about wind power integration from around the globe!


March 23, 2018: Interested in simulation of PV forecast errors? Our paper introducing a novel transformation–based methodology to generate stochastic solar area power forecast scenarios has just been accepted for publication in IEEE Sustainable Energy. [paper]


March 15, Amir Arasteh joined us. Welcome! He will start  as a PhD student soon. He will be part of the  PROMOTioN project and hHis PhD project will develop advanced converter control for HVDC-connected wind turbines. I will supervise him together with Ömer Göksu.


March 13, 2018: Elected to the EERA JP Wind management board and coordinator for the subprogramme on System Integration for the next 4 years.


March 13-14, 2018: attending the final General Assembly meeting of  IRPWINDdeliverablescomprehensive taxonomy supporting open data for wind energy


March 5-6, 2018: in Brussels for the internal workshop organized by ENTSO-E on weather data for econimic studies. DTU Wind has been collaborating with ENTSO-E since 2012, providing transcontinetal wind and PV load factors used in the TYNDP proces. The team behind this is  Andrea Hahmann, Matti Koivisto, Edgar Nuno and Petr Maule, with support from Poul  Sørensen and me.


Feb. 28, 2018: Our paper on the experimental validation of frequency control from offshore wind power plants in multi-terminal DC grids was published in CIGRE Science & Engineering journal. A great collaboration with Prof. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt and his colleagues from UPC. [link to the paper]


Feb. 27, 2018: very glad the paper on Wind power within European grid codes: Evolution, status and outlook is available online. Great collaboration with colleagues from IEA Wind Task 25! [link to the paper]


Feb. 9, 2018:  in Barcelona, at UPC to  be part of the assessment committee for Kevin Schönleber's doctoral disseration. Great to see that another MEDOW ESR is finshing and is ready to contribute to offshore wind and HVDC grids!


Feb. 1, 2018:  Anubhav Jain joined us as a PhD student. Welcome! He will be part of the  InnoDC project. His PhD project will develop black start and islanding operation capabilities of offshore wind power plants.


Jan 29, 2018: The course on  Grid Connection and Integration of Wind Power in the Wind Energy Online Master is now live! Very exciteed to be part of this.


Jan.  16-17,  2018: kick off meeting of the H2020 TotalControl (dedicated webpage still under development) project coordinated by DTU Wind. The project will focus on multi objective optimization problem, where the optimal economic performance of a WPP is pursued over the WPP life time, conditioned on external grid demands.  I am recruiting a  PhD student  (deadline  7th of February) to work on enhanced frequency control capabilities from wind turbines.


Dec. 18, 2017: Edgar Nuño Martinez successfully defended his Phd thesis “Impact of renewable power uncertainty on electric power system reliability”. Congratulations!  Thanks to Dr. Gregor Giebel (DTU),    Prof. George Kariniotakis from MINES ParisTech and Prof. Dirk Van Hertem from KU Leuven for being in the assessment committee!


Dec 15, 2017: Our paper about how to simulate RES (wind and PV) power time series over large areas is now publieshed! This paper presents a general methodology based on meteorological reanalysis techniques allowing to simulate aggregated RES time series over large geographical areas. It also introduces a novel PV conversion approach based on aggregated power curves in order to capture the uncertainty associated to the technical characteristics of individual installations spread across large regions. [link to the paper]


Nov. 29, 2017: Organizer of a Thematic Working Group (TWG) SeminarEU Baltic Integridhere


Nov. 28-30, 2017: In Amsterdam for the WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017. Drop by DTU stand.

WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017. Drop by DTU stand.No



Nov. 10, 2017: Representing Denmark in the IEA Wind Task 11, Topical Expert Meeting #89 on Grand Vision for Wind Energy. Exciting discussions about the topics that will shape the future research in wind power integration.


Nov. 7-9, 2017: In Cuernavaca, Mexico representing Denmark at the second annual meeting of the IEA Wind Task 25 on Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power and giving a talk on “Frequency control from offshore wind power plants connected via MT-HVDC grids”


Oct. 25-27, 2017: Attending the 16th Wind Integration Workshop where I am chairing a session on Grid Operation Tools


Sept. 25-26, 2017: in Amsterdam for the IRPWind/EERA Joint Programme Wind R&D Conference, presenting our results in offshore wind power integration.


Sept. 21, 2017:  very happy for my former PhD student Jayachandra N. Sakamuri who received the Young Wind Doctor 2017 Award from EAWE during the 2017 EAWE PhD   seminar. Congratulations! You can download the thesis here.


Sept. 6-8, 2017: At the 8th HVDC doctoral colloquium at Cardiff University. The colloquium will allow researchers and PhD students to discuss the research they are doing in the rapidly growing field of HVDC transmission for integration of large scale offshore wind power plants and offshore grids. The presentations will include topics such as HVDC transmission, operation, control, protection of DC grids, modular multi-level converters (MMC), AC/DC grids interaction, MVDC, power system stability among others.


Sept. 5, 2017: in Cardiff for the kick off meeting of the InnoDC project, that will train 15 (2 at DTU Wind Energy) talented early career researchers in the exciting field of renewable energy and DC grids. The network is funded by the European Commission’s Marie-SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions and has member organisation from academia, industry and the third sector.


June 26-29, 2017: Excited to organize and chair a session on “Grid integration of wind power” at the first Wind Energy Science Conference at DTU!


June 6-8, 2017: At Offshore Wind Energy conference in London; giving a presentation on “Control challenges in HVDC connected offshore wind power plants” and co-chairing session on” New technologies for offshore energy transmission and connection”.


May 24, 2017: Jayachandra N. Sakamuri successfully defended his PhD thesis Coordinated control of wind power plants in HVDC grids. Congratulations!


May 15, 2017: Juan-Andrés Pérez-Rúa  joined us as a PhD student. Welcome! He will work on the Baltic Integrid project. More about his PhD project here.

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